The experience evolves...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Publishing via email...

Good evening...

Hopefully this email will end up as a post on my blog. If it does, I'll be amazed once more. I seem to experience that feeling a lot lately, thanks to the advances in technology. Crossing my fingers and toes.

Before I send it off into cyberspace, a little about where it's being sent from. It's a beautiful evening here and I've got my iBook propped up on the small table out on our deck. We've worked hard on our garden this year and the results can be seen, with splashes of all colours wherever one looks. Testament to the success is also the large number of various birds frequenting all day long. I'm particularly intrigued by the hummingbirds which come at different times to feed on the solution we make and set out in the feeders. I've not seen this kind of bird before, used more to the parrots and kookaburras etc of Australia where I moved from a few years ago. The hummingbirds are aptly named, as they make that kind of sound as they flap their wings so quickly to be able to make quick changes in their flight, often to dip down to a feeder or flower for a sweet drink.

We live in suburbia, but thankfully, it's fairly quiet, the peace broken occasionally by a loud stereo in a passing car, a mower in the distance, or children playing outside in the clear air. Tonight it's particularly peaceful, and there's more birdlife sound than anything else. Also present tonight is the smell of a bbq being enjoyed next door...yum!! It sure smells good, though I doubt I could eat anything right now, as we just got back from a meal at the local Indian restaurant.

The sun's starting to go behind the trees, and the last of its rays are peaking through. Soon the stars will begin to take over as they prepare for their nightly show. Well, I need to get this off to the blog and get back to reading my current favourite book...and one I highly recommend: Riding the Bus With My Sister, by Rachel Simon.

More at another time...


  • Great life! Sitting on your deck watching the stars come out!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:24 pm  

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